
“Usually in Africa we say: to eat better–to take your time to eat, use your own hands. That what we usually say.”Pays natal / Home Country: République démocratique du Congo / Democratic Republic of Congo Langue maternelle / First Language: Français / French Recette / Recipe: Gombo StewGombo Stew  

Yu Wah Thein

Home Country:Burma/Myanmar First Language:Burmese Recipe:Yangon MohingaRecipe

Ngun Tin

Home Country: Burma/Myanmar First Language: Chin Recipe: Chicken Soup”It is totally different. Because back in home we only use a very-very low table. It’s round table and we also use very short chair, and then we all sit together, really like that. And here all the tables are high, the chairs are high, so it’s totally different.”Recipe

Pee Pe

Home Country: Myanmar/Burma First Language: Karen Recipe: ParataRecipe  

Ree Ree and Jue Lar

Home Country: Burma/Myanmar First Language: Karen Recipe: Banana Sticky Rice Recipe

Sande and Saw Aung Lin

Saw Aung Lin Home Country:Karen State, Myanmar/Burma First Language:Karen Recipe:Chicken and Potato CurrySande Home Country:Yangon, Myanmar/Burma First Language:BurmeseRecipeSaw Aung Lin:”She’s from the city and I’m from the forest. So my wife when she started, she doesn’t know how to eat fish paste…when you’re from the jungle you don’t eat a lot of meat because you have like homemade vegetable, everything’s …

San Header


Home Country: Burma / Myanmar First Language: Karen Recipe: Roselle paste with Shrimp”When I was in Burma, by nine or ten years old we would have to learn how to start cooking already…. When I first started cooking for my dad, I was trying to make a sour soup, so I was using mango. And I put lemongrass as well. …

“I’d tell them to eat. To never stop eating different food. I personally believe that the two most precious activities in life are eating and sleeping. So yes! Go ahead and try it. By eating different foods we can taste the delicacies made by other hands. Flavors we didn’t grow up with. Those which we do not cook. So try, …

Featured Hazel

País de Origen / Home Country: El Salvador Primer Idioma / First Language: Español / Spanish Receta / Recipe: Pupusas”Pienso que es variación. En todos los países tenemos diferentes sabores, diferentes condimentos, costumbres….Todos son ricos, pero diferentes. “I believe it’s because of abundance. In all of our [Latin] countries we have different flavors, and condiments. Different traditions…. Everything is both different and delicious.” Receta …

الوطن / Home Country:Syria اللغة الأولى / First Language:Kurdish وصفات / Recipe:Veggie Dish with RiceZekiye’s daughter Maha الوطن / Home Country:Syria للغة الأولى / First Language:Kurdish Languages Spoken:Kurdish, Arabic, Turkish, Englishوصفات / Recipe