If you were unable to attend or would like to re-watch last Thursday’s event, here is a link to the recording. Some additional resources you may be interested in reviewing include these gathered by Mike Ogle in a recent edition of Stone Walls: The Center for the Study of the American South has collected some resources Read this piece by James Cates’s cousins …
Environmental Justice and the RENA Community
“This land has always been probably some of the prettiest land in the county.” – Judy Nunn SnipesBy Kiara Sanders Installed 2021 Located at the bus shelter on Rogers Road ARTIST STATEMENT The four figures on the left are Sam Rogers and his grandsons, who were part of the establishing of Rogers Road and the family who lived there. There is …
Remembering James Lewis Cates, Jr.
Fifty years ago, on November 21, 1970, James Lewis Cates, Jr. was murdered on UNC’s campus.
Town of Chapel Hill to Unveil Marker Dedicated to Local Civil Rights Heroes
Marker Dedication Event Honoring the Chapel Hill NineOn Sunday, February 28, 1960, nine young men from Chapel Hill’s all-black Lincoln High School sat at a booth in the Colonial Drug Store and sought the same service that was given to white customers. Their courageous step led to their arrest and sparked a decade of direct-action civil rights demonstrations in Chapel …
Historic Bus Shelters
In 1960, a sit-in by local high schoolers sparked a decade of direct-action civil rights demonstrations in Chapel Hill. The Town honors Movement activists with three bus shelters featuring dramatic photographs of protestors shutting down Franklin Street, picketing, and being arrested by police. Each of the shelters includes a photograph taken by Jim Wallace, whose original film negatives are in …

Coming soon
For the past year, Chapel Hill Public Library has been taking a deep dive into local history, uncovering untold stories and telling them from “the bottom up and the inside out.” These stories are the basis of the Library’s new podcast, Re/Collecting Chapel Hill. Join hosts Molly Luby and Danita Mason-Hogans for first season of Re/Collecting Chapel Hill. We’ll focus …
Danita Mason-Hogan on community history
“Until lions have historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunter.” Historian Danita Mason-Hogans advocates that the way we tell and document history is a social justice issue. She shares her family and community’s multi-generation involvement in the civil rights movement, and how the importance of who tells a historical story and from who’s perspective they are told, …