As a resident of Chapel Hill for nearly forty years, Ms. Karen Reid dedicated herself to addressing the inequality that persists in the local school system today. She started noticing disparities in educational opportunity and treatment when she worked as a classroom teacher for the Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools, and took it upon herself to address the issues with fellow teachers, the principal, and the superintendent. Upon her retirement, Ms. Reid was determined to continue fighting for educational equity, and has since made her voice heard through her organization with the Chapel Hill Carrboro NAACP, where she served as chair of the education committee. Ms. Reid also chaired and co-chaired the health committee, where she focused on empowering the local African American community with the knowledge and skills to advocate for their own health. Ms. Reid continues to speak up for her community in the hope of improving education and healthcare for future generations in Chapel Hill.
Ms. Reid describes her equity work with the school system:
Interviews conducted by Danita Mason-Hogans at Chapel Hill Public Library, 2019